

Places Visited

From the historic streets of Rome to the vibrant energy of Rio de Janeiro, the majestic Great Wall in China, the iconic Taj Mahal in India, and the charming streets of France, my travels have been a journey through diverse cultures and breathtaking landmarks. Each destination has left a lasting impression, from ancient ruins and lively beaches to architectural marvels and the enchanting allure of French art and gastronomy.

France Italy China Brazil India

Favorite Foods

My culinary preferences are a delightful fusion of Ethiopian and Italian flavors. Ethiopian dishes like Doro Wot, Ayib, and Shiro captivate me with their bold and aromatic spices, showcasing the rich complexity of the cuisine. Meanwhile, the simplicity and perfection of Italian pizza, with its crispy crust and flavorful toppings, satisfy my comfort food cravings. Together, these culinary experiences create a mosaic that reflects my eclectic palate and passion for exploring diverse global flavors.

ayib doro-wet shiro pizza


Some of my Hobbies include:

  1. Watching Movies
  2. Listening Music
  3. Traveling
  4. Sports

Favorite Movies

My favorite movies encompass a mix of suspenseful storytelling and mind-bending narratives. The "Prison Break" series captivates me with its gripping plot and intricate characters, creating a suspenseful atmosphere that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Christopher Nolan's masterpieces, "Inception" and "Interstellar," showcase his unparalleled ability to blend compelling narratives with visually stunning cinematography, creating thought-provoking and immersive cinematic experiences. The intricate layers of dreams in "Inception" and the cosmic journey in "Interstellar" have left a profound impact on my appreciation for intricate storytelling and cinematic craftsmanship.

incepton interstaller Prison Break


Visited Places and Foods

Here is some discription about the places I visited, experiances I gain and the most delicious foods I tasted through my travel. Travel is a transformative journey that goes beyond geographical boundaries, allowing us to explore new landscapes, cultures, and perspectives. It weaves together adventure and self-discovery, turning each destination into a chapter in the story of our lives. Through travel, we traverse both physical distances and soul-stirring odysseys, enriching our understanding of the world and creating lasting memories.


My favorite pastimes revolve around the enchanting world of movies and the exhilarating realm of football. Movies, with their diverse genres and gripping narratives, transport me to different emotional landscapes, sparking my imagination. Simultaneously, the dynamic play and skilled athletes of football offer a thrilling and joyous spectacle. Whether immersed in the storytelling magic of cinema or captivated by the excitement of a football match, these pursuits bring a perfect balance to my leisure, ensuring a rich and fulfilling source of entertainment.